Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Reflections on the movie Lucy

"It is ignorance that brings chaos. Not knowledge."

I'm inclined to believe that statement from the movie Lucy.

I was made to realize recently through a sermon teaching that if you do not know God, you don't know yourself. But moreso, you do not know anything.

Therefore, to know God is to know everything (John 17:3)

But we are finite beings, and He, infinitely majestic. And this is where the questions, factions and religions start.

As humans, we are obsessed with having - power, money, immortality etc. We are obsessed with getting so much that we don't see what is given. We seek definition outside-in and that's where we get it wrong. Eternity, the everness of God (as I love to call it) and all that pertains to life (and godliness) is locked up in our hearts, already given to us (2 Peter 1:3, Ecclesiastes 3:11). But then again, we are blinding the more we keep looking without.

But what is the end point of this higher consciousness, this deep desire for eternal life or as we've called it 'immortality'? What is the outcome we so deeply desire? In our myopic understanding - attaining to a higher self, of course. A self that is all knowing, self sustaining, a 100% human being as the movie Lucy depicted.

We are obsessed with origin but are looking in all the wrong places. We are so obsessed with the limits we can push in ourselves within time and space but we fail to realize that the secret things belong to God (Deuteronomy 29:29). Adam and Eve should have known. In fact, they knew, but a little deception here and there from the serpent to look without caused them to feel a deep sense of betrayal against God. That they were cheated out of His nature by Him.

The truth is we were created to share in the nature of God, for a purpose, not to become God. We were created in His image and likeness. But since the begin of time, we have been caused to question it. To look at our outer limitations and question what He put in us on purpose for a purpose.

I'm learning to love the questions and dare I say, God loves them too. The whys, how, when, what, whos of life hold keys. Love the questions. They are maps to you, the seeker, that will lead you into a deeper place of God (Proverbs 25:2)

I will end by saying this: If we respect and honour the everness of God, we will attract the deeper recesses of who He is that He will allow us to share and walk in the expression of.

But again I ask you, to what end should man desire this? For His glory, His purpose, His mission. Because again, to not know God is to not know anything, let alone yourself. But to know God is to know everything (1 John 5:20)

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