Wednesday, 5 June 2013

ENTER: The Prayer Closet

I love interior design. It's exciting. Even more, one room in the house that excites me is the closet. Now in this day and age, people want walk-in closets so big and wide laying before you all your clothes, shoes and anything else you need.

ENTER the prayer closet.

How deep and wide is yours? How many garments and shoes are in there? How did those items get into your closet? How many did you acquire by faith, and how many were freely given unto you?

I thought about it... What we do and transact personally in the prayer closet, we wear in pulic for all to see. What we portray that we are lacking in, we either have not in the prayer closet or have not reached out into our closet and put on that it may cover us.

ENTER reaching.

An aspect many of us Christians fail to do is to reach out. To reach out, take and eat (at dinner with the King) To reach out and take and put on what God has availed to us in the open heaven above us into our prayer closet of communion (fellowship, sharing, giving, taking etc) with God.

Is it that just as we have favourite clothes and shoes in real life that we tend to wear a lot thereby ignoring some of our other clothes in the back of our closets, that we do just the same with our prayer closet?

What is in the back of your prayer closet that you have not put on? Why are you holding on to "your favourite" garment from the closet? Is it because you are afraid that you will not get anything better than that or that you think you don't have anything better already in your closet?

It made me think a lot when God reminded me on Saturday about my half-mused tweet about the prayer closet written a week ago with these words from the Rhema:

"...So the Lord is very stern in saying that you must perceive yourself anew. This thing He is even saying some of you need to change your wardrobe. Change your wardrobe, the way you clothe yourself. It has to change. It has to change. The way that you clothe yourself. The way that you look at yourself in the mirror. There are some of you that are still dressing like children. Yet He is calling forth adults in some of you. He is very stern in saying, change the way that you look at yourself. Let the light of the Holy Ghost shine forth in your souls and configure you anew. Change the way that you look at yourselves. Change the way that you relate with yourself."

And I realized I half-mused on this matter of the prayer closet and half-understood it so I probably half-applied it.

There is need for wholeness.

Let go of your favourite garments in your prayer closet and put on the wonderful things already freely given to you in your prayer closet. Let go of the excuses as to why you can't wear them like you want to fit perfectly into them in the future or that you used to wear something close to it in the past. You have them now. Wear them. They are yours. 

Plus, your "favourite clothes" are losing their lustre. They are from a season past. They've been overused. They are probably torn and everyone else realizes it but you. Trade them in for something new for the season you're in ALREADY in your closet.

Reach out to the back of your closet where your doubts don't let God's light shine bright and take what you let yourself believe you shouldn't wear..

The prayer closet: A place for internal adjustments for external manifestation.. Get the inside right. The outside will fall into place.


  1. Good words and well pronounced.

  2. Thank you Anon (^_^)

    And welcome here..


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