If you are not burdened by the plight of others in society, then you are denying a piece of yourself. Truth is, we are all connected. Each and every one of us. Your life is tied to many lives. To all life. It goes beyond your family. Beyond your home. Beyond your city, country or continent. Our lives are meaningless if we live for ourselves.
We grow up being taught that it's us against the world, that we should live for ourselves and be a blessing to those in our lives. I ask, why not be a blessing to the world? We fail to perceive that the reason why the world has become a global village with technological advancements in communication and other leaps that make life easier is to remind us that we are all one. Connected. One to another. What we do in Nairobi shakes up New York. A high or low felt in Uganda moves Berlin. We are all one. Yet we continue to think small. We pretend to see the world from our windows and laptops. Small. We need to come out from within to see the stars, to see outside, to see the world.
I know what we've been taught, but allow me to shake up your thinking. The greatest investment any one can make is in people. In someone else. When God wants to bless you, He introduces someone into your life. Your solution is tied to someone, a problem solver. Your promotion is tied to another. You are one person away, one action away from finding favour. You are one person away from edging closer to destiny. You are one action away from honouring someone who is key to your next tier of success. We are here on earth for a purpose, and purpose is tied to people.
So here's the question... How empty, how open, how willing are you for God to entrust you with lives? How much room have you created to allow Him to lead? Afterall, every thing we do involves another's life. The more prominent you become, the more lives are tied to you. To your actions. To your words. To the quality of the life you lead. Yet here's the thing: Each and every one of us counts. Each and everyone. Every role is noble. From the least to the greatest. Every person's purpose, by design, is brilliant. If only we could REALLY comprehend that each of our lives on this earth is connected... If only...
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